Friday, September 4, 2009

Making a suspension body weight training device

Well here I go again... I just can't help myself. I have set my mind on creating a body weight routine (I sold all my weights). So I have been doing my research. Certainly there must be web sites that share this type of knowledge. Well there most certainly is and I will share as much as I can here. Hopefully my education will serve your needs as well...

Why don't I use P90x? Well my friends are doing this but I'm on the cheap... I think I'll pass on the $100.00+ DVD package.

There are tons of programs out there and many qualified trainers... I just don't think it should take too much to get a seriously good workout. Now, I have lifted weights and I understand much of the theory necessary to make a go of this myself... So, I will.

One thing that I did run across that caught my fancy is the idea of suspended weight training. Suspended weight training is exactly what it sounds like. You suspend yourself by straps and exercise using your own body weight. It sounds lame but the results are phenomenal. It is the newest rage in fitness and I'm going to show you how you can do it on the cheap. Now there are companies who are marketing these devices; TRX (Min $150) , Blast Straps ($57) and other assorted players. Now I found a pic which made me think. Making one of these certainly can't be that hard.

Pro Fitness Workout Suspension Straps

This looks like a modified pair of cargo straps! I can make this. Here we go... Here's the list of things you will need:

  • About ten inches of 1" PVC Pipe (more if you have big hands)
  • At lease two 10' cam buckle 300 lb tie downs
  • An additional 10' tie down 300 lb (can be any kind)
  • A Quick Link of a gauge that can handle the weight

Cut the PVC into two equal 5" pieces (You can make them longer if you have big hands)

Take the additional tie-down and cut off the hook end so that you have only strap. Cut this piece into two haves. String each piece through each of the two pieces of PVC as shown in the following photo.

Now, measure out enough for your foot to fit through and pinch the two ends of the strap together.

Now tie off the two ends. Make sure you create a knot that won't slip.

Pull the knot to one end of the PVC and pull one of the loose strap ends through the PVC. This will place the knot on the inside.

Make sure that the loose ends coming from the PVC are of equal length.

Now tie these two ends off... Again, make sure you tie a knot that will not slip.

Take the camb buckle tie downs and cut off the hook end that IS NOT ATTACHED to the buckle.

Loop the strap over so that it the loose ends are equal in length and feed the loop end through the camb buckle as in the photo.

Pull the strap all the way through the camb buckle until there is about two feet or so left of the loose ends.

Now the last part... Loop the handle strap through the loop of the the adjustable strap with the camb buckle...

You have just made an adjustable suspension body wight training device. What we hook it to is academic at this moment... Here I have it hanging from a tow strap in the garage. I'll figure out the rest of it later. The hard part is done. Only took about thirty minutes!

The quick link was used to tie the two together. I thought about taking a hack saw and cutting the hooks of the end but that will likely have to wait. I'm sure that a number of off the shelf hooks and bob-hickies would make things much easier. You can take it anywhere you like from here.

Well, it's midnight and I'm done. In later entries I'll actually start to lay out some routines and we will make good use of this device... Thanks for stopping by.

Bob ?;o)

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